The DSST Ethics in America Exam

Almost every college student in the United States must take an ethics course. But what if you already know a lot about ethics in America? Perhaps you have studied some of the great ethical thinkers of our time, or maybe you are an expert in ethical analysis of American culture and thought. If this is the case, you may want to consider taking the DSST Test on Ethics in America.
DSST is a prior learning assessment program designed to award students college credit for what they already know. So if you already know quite a bit about ethics in America, this DSST exam might be a good option. If this sounds interesting to you, set up an appointment with your academic advisor to confirm that your college or university accepts DSST exams for credit and to discuss whether this particular exam would benefit your academic career.
The DSST Ethics in America exam covers these topics:

  1. Ethical Traditions – 44% (e.g., Greek views, religious traditions, feminist ethics), and
  2. Ethical Analysis of Issues and Practical Applications – 56% (e.g., morality, life and death issues, and biomedical ethics).

If you plan to take the DSST Ethics in America exam, you might be tempted to avoid studying. After all, the exam is designed to measure what you already know, right? But a careful review of the material can make the difference between passing (and earning college credit) and failing. One of the best ways to study for the DSST Ethics in America exam is to check out a DSST study guide, which provides a detailed exam outline, sample questions, and helpful reference materials.

DSST Ethics in America Practice Questions

1. Aristotle’s concept of happiness was called:
A. Euphoria
B. Eudaimonia
C. Delirium
D. Ekstasis
2. According to Aristotle, the only thing that separates humans from animals is:
A. Monogamy
B. Inherent kindness
C. The ability to reason
D. Anhedonia
3. Socrates’ idea of moral relativism could be understood as:
A. Whatever a particular community believes about a moral issue is true for the community
B. There are universal moral principles that are the standard for all societies
C. People should judge another society’s moral code using the standards of their own moral code
D. A council of community leaders will determine the appropriate moral code for a particular community
4. One of Socrates’ central beliefs about virtues is:
A. A misguided person may still have a single virtue
B. Humans should acknowledge their virtues, but not fear their vices
C. The virtue of courage can never lead to wrong action
D. If a character trait is a genuine virtue, it can never lead its possessor to act wrongly
5. Both Judaism and Christianity share:
A. The belief that Jesus is the Messiah
B. The New Testament
C. The Vedas
D. The Ten Commandments
6. The statement that most accurately represents of one of the Stoics’ beliefs is:
A. Events unfold randomly
B. All living things are equal in the eyes of God
C. We have the ability to alter our circumstances with the force of will
D. Humans are the most special and important parts of the universe because they share reason with the divine
7. Thomas Aquinas’ idea of law is:
A. A law is no law at all if it is not just
B. It is the role of the established governing body to enforce law at its own discretion
C. Selective enforcement is a necessary element of a free society
D. It is necessary at times to deprive a citizen of liberty or property for an act that is designated as criminal.
8. Who believed that the only happiness humans could experience is the temporary happiness of this life?
A. Hobbes
B. The Buddhists
C. The Hindus
D. Aquinas
9. The Libertarian way to deal with homelessness is:
A. Provide assistance for the homeless through government programs.
B. Place the responsibility on the homeless for their own predicament.
C. Provide for the homeless through privately-funded agencies.
D. Provide for the homeless with direct, personal donations.
10. “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage,” was said by:
A. Jefferson
B. Thucydides
C. King
D. Rousseau
DSST Ethics in America Practice Questions Answer Key


Last Updated: June 18, 2021