Series 3 Exam

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The National Commodity Futures Exam (NCFE) is developed by the National Futures Association or NFA. The NFA has entrusted FINRA to administer it. Those who are seeking qualification as a Commodity Trading Advisor, Introducing Broker, Futures Commission Merchant, Associated Person, or Commodity Pool Operator must pass this exam. The Series 3 exam has two main … Read more

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

Click here to start our practice test for the Certified Management Accountant Exam

The Certified Management Accountant exam is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of accountants, as well as increase credibility in the industry, and potential earnings. Special testing accommodations are available for approved individuals. Study Guide Flashcards


Click here to start our practice test for the CGFM Exam

The CGFM consists of three separate exams. Each is needed to gain certification as a Certified Government Financial Manager. These exams are developed and used by the Association of Governmental Accountants (AGA) to provide a set of national standards for professionals in this field. Study Guide Flashcards